About Gamephoton 



We are the founder of gamephoton, Yugo C. and Den N. We loved games since we’re still a kid up to now. Our love for games grew larger and larger up to the point where it becomes passion. We have played hundreds of games from Nintendo Entertainment System came out in 1985 up to today’s most advanced gaming console; PC,  PS 3, PsP  Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo DS. We have a deep understanding over good games to play and bad games to avoid.

Our entire focus currently is on the PC games. We bought and played the games and we reviewed them just for you. We try to keep the review as simple as possible and as informative as possible to the point where you have sufficient knowledge to decide whether this game is for you or not.

We are always open to your comment about our review. In the meantime, enjoy our review before you decide on buying the games you want.

Thank you for choosing gamephoton,

Yugo C. and Den C.




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